Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Assignment 4b - Interviews

After brainstorming the topic I have come up with a few questions which will be the outline for my interviews. I plan to enquire further into my subject answers whilst carrying out the interviews, I feel it’s a better and more natural way of getting information out of someone making them feel more comfortable rather than having specific regimented questions. It allows for more thorough answers. These are the questions my interviews will be based around...

Is there anything which you have accumulated over time, whether it is consciously or subconsciously and why do you think this is?

What are your passions or hobbies?

What is your occupation and how big a part of your life is it?

Who or what are your biggest influences in life, be it the media, family or friends?

How would you feel if any of these items which you have accumulated were lost, damaged or stolen and why?


My research is currently ongoing and I don’t feel I have enough information as yet to make any conclusions. I will post my findings up shortly.

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