Wednesday 18 November 2009

Assignment 2c - Poster

Finally, it's up! For this assignment we had been asked to choose a subject which we had talked about in our group discussion. We had to look deeper into this issue and basically record our research on a poster and come up with a design idea. At first I really struggled to understand what exactly this poster was to cotain but I took a step back, I asked a few of my peers about how they got on and how they went about this task to get a better understanding and some inspiration. This really helped and sure enough ideas started popping into my head. This is what I came up with..

“The inspiration for my idea stemmed from our group discussion about The Power of Context and crime in New York. I wanted to bring this subject a little closer to home by looking into crime in Britain and decided to focus on underage drinking as it is such a big issue which we don’t seem to be getting any closer to solving.”

Also on the poster there is a little research and facts that I collected.
I think once I get an idea in my head I can run with it, it was just that initial stage of, again, not knowing what specifically was being asked of me. I think it was really important for me to take that step back, it gave me a chance to see what was going on around me and how other people were going about the task, how they interpreted it.

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