Wednesday 18 November 2009

Assignment 3a & b - Cross-search & Bibliography

For this assignment we were asked to do further research on our design idea and gathering books, visual sources and journals. We were to then create a bibliography of these resources using Harvard style referencing and write a few sentences about how each resource was or was not useful to my study and research. I found cross-search very hard to use and I wouldn't say I was successful in understanding it. I never found any useful resources but then again maybe I was just not using it correctly! I think I'll have to take more time to get to grips with cross-search as I feel it has the potential to be very useful in the future. So here's my bibliography..

Bennett, C.J. & Lyon, D., eds. (2008) Playing the Identity Card, USA: Routledge

This book allows you to understand the significance of identity card systems and all its possible uses and benefits which I think would be very useful for my research. The weakness of this book is that it goes too in depth about surveillance, peoples’ rights, laws concerning data protection and how people are so against being watched by ‘big brother’.

Blane, H.T. & Chafetz, M.E., eds. (1979) Youth, Alcohol, and Social Policy, New York: Plenum Press

This source is packed with facts and statistics, its does not give a personal view or opinion on alcoholism at a young age it simply proves that this problem does exist and how serious it actually is. It would be useful as it gives a basis for my study and gives facts/statistics to work from.

Fossey, E. (1994) Growing up with Alcohol, USA: Routeledge

This book goes back to the begin and talks about why there is such a serious problem of underage drinking. Why and where does it begin. It has detailed accounts of studies carried out on children showing that it can in fact start from a very young age and shows that they are not ignorant to alcohol. Although not directly related with my issue it does gives me a better understanding that this problem goes deep and that the problem needs to be addressed. Having said this the book dwells too much on drinking habits of the young, the effectiveness alcohol education and the experiences these children have.

Maclachlan, M. & Smyth, C., eds. (2004) Binge Drinking & Youth Culture, Ireland: The Liffey Press

I think this book is really relevant to design idea as it looks at the actual issue of underage drinking and really focuses and explores the factors that impact on it. Like I said on my poster, its not realistic that we can solve this problem but its about taking it step by step and working to make the situation better which is what this book talks about.

Tether, P. & Robison, D. (1986) Preventing Alcohol Problems, London: Travistock Publications Ltd.

This book looks into an alternative strategy to reducing the risks of alcohol problems. Looks into alcohol safety, advertising, the media, educating people about alcohol. Identify and prevents alcoholism. Tries to tell you that its everyone’s business not just the individual. Its there and it cant be ignored and it’s up to us all to change and be educated as a community.

The Royal College of Physicians, (1995) Alcohol and the Young, London: The Lavenham Press Ltd

Written by a group of doctor and their experiences with alcohol in the young. It goes into a lot of detail on the effects and consequences of drinking on youngsters and drinking patterns. Allows you to understand the extent of the problem, although its weakness. I feel is that it's giving you the after effects of underage drinking not explaining what the problem is.

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